Friday, 11 August 2017

Keith Richards once said in an interview that songs were out there all around you, all you needed was to reach out and grab one.

 I like this idea along with the possibility that we do not have thoughts but thoughts have us. How else to explain the memes and ideologies that surface and then infect people from the great political thoughts and theories to what we become obsessed with and makes the news. I often ponder what happened to the flasher and the streaker, it seemed literally to expose itself in the 1970s. They all just go away? What possessed people? Some form of trickster maybe?

Often turning things around, thoughts having us making thoughts manifest and having some form of agency or spirit is powerful as it breaks the creative sensor and allows us to write. I like the NLP phrase about ‘it doesn’t matter if it’s not real, does it work?’

We need to open our minds for new ideas to enter like the muses of old to infect us, we need to be irrational willing to take ideas and turn them around; black needs to be white, white needs to be black the unreal needs to be the real and the real needs to be the unreal.

Scientific method is great but it is a tool, but scientism is like believing in the redemptive quality of an electric drill. I believe in the redemptive nature of the guitar (but I’ve seen the light, glittering of the machine heads).

Maybe we can change our lives by writing songs, following the idea of life mimicking art which is an idea that has infected people before but are strange examples of musicians and artists whose lives started to follow work they had produced. This has happened to me on a number of occasions which is taken me from ‘that is funny’, to, ‘that is odd’, to, ‘that is crazy’ to, ‘I had better right songs’.

The old blues men knew that songs had power to change things and that is why most old blues songs were active in things being able to change. In other words if my baby don’t love me no more, I know her sister will.

Blues camp this week and it is the 10th anniversary. Lots of fun……………..

Some people be featured on an album but they don’t know it yet.


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