In this society of risk adverse behaviour this is something which we have to embrace in order to achieve anything that moves us beyond where we currently are. Our society is full of legislation, attitudes and belief systems which move us away from anything that hurts or is even uncomfortable.
The foods that are good for us tend not to be the most tasty, certainly not the sweetest so that has led us to obesity and all the diseases that attach themselves to that condition and those which weirdly are a form of malnutrition due to us not consuming a wide enough range of foodstuffs, considering that we are in an affluent society we eat less diverse but more in a rationalised choice.
To become a great musician or an athlete you have to put in the time forsaking other things that may be sweeter in your life, like the computer game, or all the partying (if you have a life). The hours that a good musician puts in hurt and the fact that playing the guitar for three or four hours hurts your fingers and stretches the muscles to the point of cramp let alone the disappointment of not getting it right which does your brain in.
In a way it is a form of courtship with the spirit of music and creativity and should be viewed as such. There is no plan that works in courting a prospective lover you may know what you think you are doing but unless you adapt the plan to fit the person you are not going to get very far.
Making an offering or gift in courtship must be something that has value to you and them not something that you actually want to get rid of. When you give something like that it hurts a little.
In the past the great artists and players did not have anything to lose by taking a risk because life was shit anyway so it was worth the gamble. But from our perspective of comfortable, convenient lifestyles these risks are not undertaken, to our detriment. The reality is death is going to come and get you anyway so you may as well make the most of it while you are here.
A number of the young pupils that I teach come out with remarks such as ‘there will be a cure for cancer soon’ (I remember that being said when I was a young)’ In 20 to 30 years’ time we will be travelling to Mars et cetera et cetera. All this stuff is a dream to keep us going because when we get to Mars it will not be as good as we were told. it will be like it has always been, sold to people the suckers that will be populating it will be like the people that populated America and took it away from the indigenous people.
They will be indentured labour, people that are basically slaves bought and sold by land owners, that is how it was is done in the past and that’s how the future will play out but this time it will look like you have got a work contract with a big multinational company.
Think of the things that you’ve been promised in your life and they never quite work out to the utopian vision that you’re given and yet we fall for it over and over again. Why is that? If we looked at the hard realities and realised that anything that was worth having we have to work for and pay for in sweat and a bit of pain. So ladies and gentlemen pick up your guitars and play just like yesterday get down on your knees and pray, we won’t get fooled again.
Vic three days playing in a band learn the tricks of the trade.
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