Saturday, 25 April 2020

‘Bring out the magic in your mind’

Bring out the magic in your mind’

My mother had a book by Al Koran called, ‘‘Bring out the magic in your mind’, this book came out in the mid-1960s. Koran was a mentalist a little bit like Darren Brown is today and this book, which I still have, is a very special book for me as it links me to my mother’s positive thinking ideas, reminding me of the experiments in E.S.P. that she would do when I was as young as six.

This book is full of examples of acting as if what you wanted had already arrived, or, was on its way, such as buying carpets for a particular type of car that you wanted or getting a door handle for a new house. This type of thinking is very much on the lines of the new thought movement.

Here’s an example from book from the chapter ‘magic of visualisation’

‘The first step is knowing what you want. Exactly what and when. Want a car? Do you want an old Austin or a brand-new Cadillac? Perhaps it’s a Jaguar that you want? Be specific; tell your subconscious in so many words, exactly the make and type of car you want, and when you want it. The new Jaguar isn’t going to do much good when you are on your death bed. Make it clear what you want and when.

You wouldn’t ask for a new Jaguar in five minutes, because your intellect would say, ‘There is no hope of getting such a car in five minutes!’ And you wouldn’t get it. Be reasonable. Give a sensible time. Now the thing is, you may be absolutely unable to see how to get the new Jaguar on what you are earning at the moment, but other factors come into play. You may get a sudden windfall. You may hit the jackpot in some exciting competition. If you do the pools, possibly it’s your turn for the big money. Don’t draw lines between the possible and the impossible. Leave it to your subconscious to get it for you in its own magical way, by command of your will.

And then later in the next paragraph he sort of hits the nail on the head concerning the technique, which looks very familiar from an NLP perspective.

Never for one moment should you limit yourself because you cannot see where such glorious things are coming from. Go and look at the cars, especially the Jaguars, if that is what you want, and feel the joy in your heart. Feeling counts, feeling is the secret. When it comes to control of the subconscious mind, feeling plays a very important part. Feeling that you can get that Jaguar car you want. You’re going to enjoy life when you get it, feel that excitement now; you obtain your desire by feeling as if already got what you want now.

See yourself behind the wheel; see yourself driving that wonderful automobile. See it draw up in front of your house. If you do this; if you see that picture, it is bound to materialise. It is law.

Screwy, that’s what he is screwy

No my friend. To create the magic of visualisation you must hold the picture clearly in your mind. Every detail of it, see it, feel it, get yourself a scrapbook and paste in pictures of the things you want, put that Jaguar on the first page. You think it’s all nonsense this visualisation? Right, hit the nail on the head with a hammer. It may be called nonsense but it may nonetheless be true…… Behave as though you believe.

Although this book was printed in 1964 it tells the same story as many books produced from that time up to today. Infact the details are almost identical to many bestselling books of recent years.

As I’ve mentioned before I think the most compelling thing about this is that it is free to do. The only caveat I would add to this is that action needs to be taken for these things to become possible, don’t expect to win the lottery if you haven’t bought a ticket. Don’t expect money to come if there isn’t an alleyway for it to manifest. Otherwise,  it will come in a way that you hadn’t expected with some ramifications.

And I can attest to that fact from my own personal experience.

So, it is a good idea to also enchant good possibilities and opportunities, and allow those routes to be open.

Neville Goddard

Another great exponent of new thought was Neville Goddard , who Mitch Horowitz has written extensively about in his excellent book the ‘Miracle Club’.

Neville Goddard believed that your imagination was God, therefore as you use your imagination you are creating reality. Neville Goddard was not a name that people seem to remember until being resurrected by Mitch’s book; however he had very profound effect on many people including Carlos Castaneda. There is a point of view that Neville’s Indian mystic mentor who may or may not been real, was an idea that Castaneda adopted with his ‘teacher’ Don Juan, who also may not have existed, but was a literary device to tell his story. 

Neville Goddard presented people with a challenge that if they used their imagination they would make things manifest. He used to say try it, prove me wrong!

But for us creative musicians, we need to be imaginative, we need to believe. We need to believe that we can be successful against all the odds, when the statistics point to other probabilities. We need to believe that what we say, or what we create, can be believed and loved by others.

Neville Goddard started from a family that was desperately short of money, and he used his ideas to create a successful life for himself against all the odds. Remember that human ideas become real, like law, money, human rights, commerce, and trade. At one time these things did not exist, but somebody had a bright idea and made them real. They all started in the human imagination, someone created them and then they became believable by others using that idea, and then they became a reality.

So let us create our world in the here and now, what works for you and the rest of the world? Aim to make the world a better place.

The new thought movement has been an important driver to the American culture. Books by writers such as Napoleon Vincent Peel, and Napoleon Hill have been an inspiration for many people including Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan.

In the UK this has not been so apparent, but we still believe in the Protestant work ethic.

So, if you do not believe in the above, the people who rule you do. It reminds me of something that I heard from an astrologer once, ‘millionaires don’t believe in astrology, but billionaires do’

Remember these ideas are free, so use them!

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