The competition has always been there and that also changes
form as well. At the moment the iPhone, various gaming and the general
influence of online sharing are the main areas of completion.
Sometimes these become an ally as in the case of something
like Guitar Hero or film music that is retro or instrument based such as School
of Rock or The Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack that helps to give a boost to
the number of pupils that want to have lessons. I sense a change however with
the ability of many to concentrate for long enough to learn an instrument.
Maybe it has always been like this and only now I am seeing it but this has
been noticed by others as well.
Every problem in business is an opportunity so focusing on
the possibility of children developing their ability to concentrate could be a
good business angle. I have a friend who uses djembe drumming at big corporate
events to get people off their mobile phones. When they turn up there is a big
drum sitting in their chair and the first hour they are involved in
teambuilding workshop and by the time it is completed the phones stay in their
pockets for the rest of the day.
I am not entirely convinced about the future of teaching
within certain schools especially in the grammar school system in Kent where
the pressure is on for them to achieve high marks in their academic exams. The pupils
and parents are fearful of not doing enough revision and therefore the
instrumental lessons often take a back seat when really they could be helping
them to relax in-between periods of exam revision.
There was an article recently in the Washington post talking
about the slow death of the electric guitar saying that sales have plummeted over
the last few years. Now there may be an element of ‘The reports of my death
have been grossly exaggerated ‘ to this and we do not really know whether
people are just playing more acoustic guitars or whether they are becoming more
savvy about buying second-hand guitars for instance. What I will say is that the
general flow of new pupils seems to be changing although the guitar still
outperforms most other instruments, certainly within independent schools, and
its main rival now seems to be the drums and not the piano.
The form of teenage rebellion which was always included the
guitar maybe just now is taking a back seat to video blogging or even podcasting;
could this be the natural development in the cult of the individual?
But how does that influence us as musicians either as
performers or teachers? Could playing a musical instrument for many people be just
too much like bloody hard work and because we are in a culture of nihilism with
a materialist aspect of thought now means there is just nothing worth thinking
about as nothing is of any relevance? People do not need to find themselves
because there isn’t anything there from that viewpoint and that was certainly
something that music offered me was to discover something about myself through
I do not think this has completely disappeared but the tide
of opinion and the way that the media works seems to point in that direction
and maybe instead of running a rear-guard action on this we should be fighting
a guerrilla war, a bit like the women who go out doing guerrilla knitting.
Instead of surrounding street furniture with crocheted colourful fluffy bits of
artwork, we should write a song certainly this happened in the 60s with the
protest movement and we certainly have things to protest about at the moment if
we just look up from the iPhone.
three days of playing in a band
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