Saturday, 14 October 2017

The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. Audre Lorde

When it comes to creativity, music is a construct; the notes the scales the chords have been made. Someone decided on them, they took sounds and labelled them and you are doing them as dictated.
So how do you fix that well you cannot by doing the same thing with the same ideas because it is the master’s tools and the master’s house literally. Want something new? Do something different with different tools.
The thing that traps you will never be the thing that releases you; you need new tricks and tools for that. So if you are creating a piece and it is getting boring then you will need something different to break it.
Language creates a cage and to escape you will have to do something else, if you are using logic, free yourself by using myth. If you are using myth then use logic and if that does not work make up the words or use another language. This has been done many times by the great and the good. Many great thinkers had another alphabet from Leonardo’s writing in mirror image to Hildegard of Bingen and John Dee having an angelic alphabet.
In the creative process of writing songs or coming up with new business ideas lateral techniques are often needed in the early stages to free oneself of the traps. Edward de Bono’s books on lateral thinking took us into a weird world of words with new meanings such as Po being the word that sat between yes and no. This is similar to the idea of suspending disbelief where you do not need to believe in something you just need to allow it to be possible.
Some of the lateral thinking techniques involved taking random words out of dictionaries and thinking of the implications and feelings associated with those words then being reapplied to the problem that had been presented. It was allowing the mind to find another way back to the world of logic and reality from the unconscious.We can postulate that there is no such thing as reality only structures that we perceive as real.  In other words no scale, no chord, no song structures only things that appear familiar.
One of the cages that we are trapped in regarding science is that anything that lays in the unproven cannot possibly be real, the problem with that is that the area that the mind inhabits is getting smaller and smaller. I see this a lot in the way that people are treated for anything that lies outside of the ‘normal’ aspect of mental behaviour.
This is covers any of the traits that are unusual be that Asperger’s, bipolar or just having an active imagination and for all of these there is some sort of chemical cosh that can be used to make them ‘normal’.  The problem with this is that we are probably losing all of our artists and creative thinkers that way which will have unforeseen circumstances in the future.
To get out of that cage start looking at people who are considered ill or unusual and ask is there something that they can bring that is that is in real benefit to humanity? Let us not try to fix so many things let us break them; instead of trying to cage every bird we should let them fly and be birds.
This may be the only way that we can dismantle the rich man’s palace and share the proceeds amongst everyone.


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