Friday, 3 March 2017

Discomfort is the doorway that we have to pass through to enter a new mindscape.

Sometimes I find it very difficult to focus on a series of tasks that need to be taken to achieve a target. For instance I am currently working on an album which is taken a whole year to get the rhythm sections down and the basic structure of the songs to be organised. I am also attempting to update aspects of my website to include a membership section and on top of that I have a couple of very important gigs to organise which are rather different from the normal concerts that I do.

I keep finding myself delaying and obscuring tasks that I should be accomplishing by doing less important things, and although I am a really good list writer and target maker sometimes my mind takes me somewhere else.

I am sure this is something that all of us will find familiar, I see it as a rut that I am in. My particular rut could be considered as my comfort zone, the things that I am familiar are the things that get done first. I have noticed over the years that when I procrastinate it is always on the things I find uncomfortable and doing something can lead me into uncomfortable feelings about change. In NLP terms we need to make the stasis more uncomfortable than change so that we can move toward change. That however is easier said than done as the mind tends to trip you up finding things to do instead of the important things required.

So let me know of how you deal with making change and what works for you and maybe we can share notes.

Vic three days of playing in a band with the tricks of the trade

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