Bitterly disappointing decision from the South Downs
National Park Authority yesterday - which was more focused on recording the
activity on the Phoenix for posterity than trying to nurture it for the future.
Faced with a planning committee that was highly uncritical of the proposed plan
and spent more time worrying about giving Willey's Bridge (which isn't even in
the application area!) a lick of paint than the loss of facilities used by
1,000s of young people - and was more concerned with saving two windows from
the Ironworks than the businesses within them.
Committee members repeatedly voiced "sympathy" for
the livelihoods that will be displaced and admiration for the many activities
that go on at the Phoenix and hope that businesses can find space "elsewhere".
We call on the SDNP and LDC to make sure that ACTION IS
TAKEN to keep creative and manufacturing businesses and social enterprises
within and thriving in Lewes - recognising that an industrial park on the
outskirts of town with large corporate rents isn't the answer.
Offering makers and artists an opportunity to paint heritage
murals in the underground carpark or contribute to the manufacture of street
furniture of the new development (especially when they no longer have anywhere
to make it!) - is at best crass - and at worst indicative of a National Park
hell bent on turning Lewes from a working town into a museum town.
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