Friday, 27 June 2014

Poverty and Music

“Do not waste your time on social questions. What is the matter with the poor is poverty; what is the matter with the rich is uselessness.”

One of my drivers when I was younger was lack of money. It made me creative and focused and although I did not know this at the time because that was life I can see now that the people who have it all do not have the passion and the commitment to take the knocks. Also they may not have anything to say, a little like a Phil Collins song about how difficult it is making ends meet.
The idea that riches cause a problem is something that you need to consider not necessarily for you because you probably would not be aiming to be a jobbing musician if you had the cash already; but for the people that you might meet in your work either as clients or punters. There are many people out there who have more than enough money for all of us put together.
Finding a keenness that drives people to practise and sweat over their art is rather difficult and if they cannot find out, because it took me a while and I was looking, then some help may be required.

With lots of money that ‘drive’ diminishes and I see that in pupils they are not hungry enough, if they were they would be blinding players, it is a shame but looking at the poor then they have something to be angry and passionate.


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