Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Gove, you twat!

The results for the educational tests make the British education system fall down the world ranking in maths, science and literacy. Gove's immediate response is 'It's not me governor it is the other bloke, my changes have not happened yet'. What!

Step back and look at this from a historical perspective and ask a simple question, how did we get to being in a prominent position in the world in the first place? We are a small island race who over a few hundred years went from being eyed with envy by the Romans then by the Saxons then the Vikings and finally by the Normans.

The Saxons had created a stable prosperous nation with effective laws that was the envy of many countries in Europe. We could hold our own and trade with the rest of Europe we were very capable and when the Normans took control after a number of years of turbulence we were then dealing with one of the most powerful countries in Europe France and doing very well.

With the advent of Henry VIII we stopped following the rest of the world and did our own thing (which we had done before, pre Roman and pre Norman). We told the Pope to get lost; in fact we pronounced him as the anti-Christ and struck out on our own and over the next few hundred years. We fought our way with much cunning to the top and like it or not started to throw our weight around.

I am interested in how we did this and in my short conclusion we did it by alliances, trade and clever thought and this thought was unconventional, outside the box, reinventing the wheel.

We did not do this by following the others but by changing the rules by creative thinking.

I do not find anything creative in the way that education is heading, so let the teachers get on with teaching stop trying to follow the Chinese; let’s be ourselves.  



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