Want to earn money from playing and teaching maybe
you want to earn more?
Now is your chance!
Making money from teaching and
Sunday 20th October Hadlow in Kent. 10 till 4
Over thirty five years of experience in music and running
my own teaching practice. Now I am going to show you how to make money from
music. In that time I have taught
thousands of people, I exam here and
abroad, I write books and promote my musical interests. I have learnt many
things in that time that are not found in books, the tricks of the trade if you
will. They are the communication skills, the marketing ideas the business
techniques that make the difference between it being a hobby and making money.
This has been motivated in part by the economic climate
because a few of my pupils have asked me so they can make money and I thought
it was time that I put this information out.
You might be thinking to yourself ‘ I could go and buy a
book about this’, and you could but I does not get to the real facts and points
that I cover in the seminar 'making money from teaching and playing' because a
book can only go so far. In this seminar I cut to the chase and pack the
information for you not only that you will become part of a network so you can
share ideas and ask questions.
My other fascination apart from music is that of business
and marketing and I have read literally hundreds of books and listened to hours
and hours of talks on business and marketing. I have interviewed successful
businessman and then written a book on the subject.
For me running a successful business as a musician is
down to the business and not the music because you could be the best but if no
one knows you or you are a bad communicator you will not succeed.
You may know many great bedroom musicians, you may be one
yourself but I want you to go out into the outside world and make money!
Now the economic climate is tough also means
paradoxically that you have an opportunity to start or develop your business
and because you have to think about pricing and value you will have a stronger
business for it.
For those of you already earning money from music this
seminar will be able to help you lock your musical skills together to make
money. This is a skill that I am good at because I had to be and I learnt the
hard way so take the opportunity to learn from the thousands of pounds of my
investment and get yourself increasing your income.
We will cover these and many other points…
How to set up as a teaching
What you need
How to get into teaching at schools.
Do I need a teaching diploma?
Book keeping and tax information
How to advertise ... For free
How to increase 'share of wallet'
Lesson Ideas, making them inspiring and original.
Writing reports.
Getting gigs to pay in more ways
How performing and teaching can develop one another and
increase your cash flow
How to think as a business person not a hobbyist
How to price your product
Set up courses
Sell online
Teach on the Internet .. And much more
I have over the years invested £1000's in training and
study and all your investment will be is £50 in something that will generate
increased income.
A free copy of 'the art of creativity' on CD
Contact me to book your place. 07976405561 or vichyland@msn.com