Wednesday, 21 June 2017

We trade shelter for comfort. – Martin Shaw

Discomfort certainly makes you remember things; go back to some your earliest memories and they may be something like falling of your bike or having an accident which hurt. If you reflect upon those times you will remember in detail elements such as what somebody said to you, what the weather was like and what you were wearing. All this is pretty amazing because you may have only been five at the time and it doesn’t matter how old you become you still remember that event. I would say that music created with some sort of trade of discomfort has more impact the music that is not traded in that way.
The trouble with modernity and the problem with technology is they exacerbate the human trait for taking the easy and most comfortable way, it was never always like this, once being creative went with the need to suffer for your art. Now I do not say this lightly because it sounds a little tongue in cheek if not insensitive to the likes of the great artists who die young.
The above quote from Martin Shaw a great storyteller and myth rememberer is in the trading of shelter for comfort something dies in us because they lack meaning. The trading of something that causes a little pain really connects you with the work.
Maybe this is the problem we have in society that we all become a bit soft and we do not like to take a risk because it makes us feel uncomfortable. I am not suggesting we will go around whipping ourselves(or maybe we should have a whip- round) but I think that we need to be more aware in a tactile sense of the world around us without ‘skin in the game’ nothing has any real value.
Getting out of a financial fix involves pain, changes in society nearly always do, changing habits that lead to environmental damage involve us being uncomfortable with feelings like ‘why spend so much money on personal care products’when you are eating rubbish and you are overweight and no one really cares about you anyway, kind of uncomfortable.
Think of how much money you would save if you could embrace being uncomfortable about what you wear, and what someone else thinks of you. Think about how that would affect your work if you could embrace that maybe you may not need to work in order just to make money maybe just doing something you enjoy.
The problem is that we have been conditioned to look for comfort and not shelter when we get a car we are encouraged to get the one that shows status same with holidays how many of us have gone to Disney because the children have to go.
The best time for contempory music seems to be when things are difficult, the aftermath of the war which culminates in rock n roll and the blues boom and then the sixties, the rise of the heavy rock and metal in the depressed 70’s then punk, hip hop etc. Compare this to when things become more comfortable the real feeling is lost again, the music becomes complex but lifeless.
Remember a good song is a good song on just a guitar and vocal we don’t need the latest gizmo, or the London Philharmonic Orchestra .Whatever it is that you can envisage keep it simple, try to keep your life simple for instance when you teach you do not need to teach in a fully equipped recording studio. If you have one fine but it is not a prerequisite to becoming a good teacher.
So let’s get uncomfortable and go and create something amazing.
Vic Rock Summer school for all instruments ………

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Magic has been drained out of history by the historians. Gordon White

There has been a fundamental omission in the telling of the past not just our past history but also in the way that we understand music and it is the role of magic within that story. It is difficult for us to reconnect with the fundamental belief in magic that our predecessors had and that it was infused in everything that they did and by extension music and art was used to connect with this otherworldliness. I would say that today music that is disconnected from this otherness has no inner energy this is why root styles of music frequently have to come back into the popular music arena in order to re-energise even if those musical styles are disguised as punk or grunge there is something innately visceral and otherworldly about those sorts of animal.
One thing that could be said about modern pop music is there is nothing really animal about it. It is so computerised and quantised that any essence of energy has been removed and replaced by something sterile, however if the computer becomes the servant and not the master the essence of the DJ producer can be bound into the songs, dance is a good example of this. I think the deciding point here is, were any risks taken? Producing a song by a Rihanna or a Katy Perry maybe more a case of not getting it wrong because of the big budgets involved.
We find it very difficult to be able to think in a mediaeval style because we have been told that the many of the things that they believed in are rubbish but obviously they did not think that, however if you ask yourself a question why something like ritualistic behaviour and magic systems seem to have been unchanged over a period of 2000 years then you have to ask why did they keep doing something that did not work? The logical answer to that is it did work but is only us that have rid ourselves of one of those tools from the toolbox.
I am suggesting that by looking back at styles that may influence us musically and getting to the root of what it is that drives it we can reconnect with what the music is all about and derive something from it for ourselves, if only to reanimate the music that we play. You do not have to believe only suspend your disbelief to lock into something. I would suggest Blues or Flamenco or the English folk music tradition and see what sort of weirdness you can find in there; Mojo’s, Dances of the spider, impossible tasks asked of ex-lovers etc. pull on that tread a little and see where it takes you.
Vic Summer school for budding rock stars.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Going for a mix and funny money

What is better 30 minute lesson for £20 or an hour lesson for £35?
Today we are entering the world of funny money where things are expressed in ways more attractive to the punter and better for you.
How many ads for insurance have you heard that state 'for only 50p a day you can have....'? If they asked for £180 for the same thing you might reject the idea straight off.
How have you positioned your teaching? If you are little Minnie's guitar teacher and it is a hobby that she does you are going to be cut out very quickly when the funds run low.
I see lots of people do this and you really need to position yourself as something special in her life that enriches it gives her skills that will be super valuable in the world that is coming. So things to look at,
Various payment levels that encourage people to pay for lessons in blocks and in advance.
Flexibility in the payments cash, bank transfer, cards etc.
Lesson flexibility; do they have to be every week? Could they be also be every two weeks or every month?
Encouragement for arrangements that you want; so make the time of lessons that you do not want more expensive.
Paying for a block of lessons being better financially for the pupil.
In all cases think yourself into the shoes of the person that you are dealing with and do things in such a way that helps them while helping you. So if they want lessons every two weeks well fine let them do that if that lesson would have been half an houra week then make it an hour a fortnight
The other angle/aspect that I like to do is trading skills, like lessons for computer maintenance and back up or help with book keeping. You can trade anything for lessons just think outside the box on this. Obviously not all lessons can be like this but several can be. I have currently have someone who teaches me yoga, someone who does computer work for me and someone who roadies and does other work around the house and garden when needed.
Let us be creative about what we do and how we trade that skill, there is more to business than money, originally there was no money and that means that people who have no money but have a skill or something that is an asset like a musical instrument that you can take in payment or any item for that matter then you are opening up the market to people that may not have the funds for lessons but have something else like a skill.
I find this a liberating way to think being far more democratising than just dealing with the currency that is imposed on us.
Vic music summer school in the amazing Tonbridge School in Kent UK