Discomfort certainly makes you remember things; go back to some your earliest memories and they may be something like falling of your bike or having an accident which hurt. If you reflect upon those times you will remember in detail elements such as what somebody said to you, what the weather was like and what you were wearing. All this is pretty amazing because you may have only been five at the time and it doesn’t matter how old you become you still remember that event. I would say that music created with some sort of trade of discomfort has more impact the music that is not traded in that way.
The trouble with modernity and the problem with technology is they exacerbate the human trait for taking the easy and most comfortable way, it was never always like this, once being creative went with the need to suffer for your art. Now I do not say this lightly because it sounds a little tongue in cheek if not insensitive to the likes of the great artists who die young.
The above quote from Martin Shaw a great storyteller and myth rememberer is in the trading of shelter for comfort something dies in us because they lack meaning. The trading of something that causes a little pain really connects you with the work.
Maybe this is the problem we have in society that we all become a bit soft and we do not like to take a risk because it makes us feel uncomfortable. I am not suggesting we will go around whipping ourselves(or maybe we should have a whip- round) but I think that we need to be more aware in a tactile sense of the world around us without ‘skin in the game’ nothing has any real value.
Getting out of a financial fix involves pain, changes in society nearly always do, changing habits that lead to environmental damage involve us being uncomfortable with feelings like ‘why spend so much money on personal care products’when you are eating rubbish and you are overweight and no one really cares about you anyway, kind of uncomfortable.
Think of how much money you would save if you could embrace being uncomfortable about what you wear, and what someone else thinks of you. Think about how that would affect your work if you could embrace that maybe you may not need to work in order just to make money maybe just doing something you enjoy.
The problem is that we have been conditioned to look for comfort and not shelter when we get a car we are encouraged to get the one that shows status same with holidays how many of us have gone to Disney because the children have to go.
The best time for contempory music seems to be when things are difficult, the aftermath of the war which culminates in rock n roll and the blues boom and then the sixties, the rise of the heavy rock and metal in the depressed 70’s then punk, hip hop etc. Compare this to when things become more comfortable the real feeling is lost again, the music becomes complex but lifeless.
Remember a good song is a good song on just a guitar and vocal we don’t need the latest gizmo, or the London Philharmonic Orchestra .Whatever it is that you can envisage keep it simple, try to keep your life simple for instance when you teach you do not need to teach in a fully equipped recording studio. If you have one fine but it is not a prerequisite to becoming a good teacher.
So let’s get uncomfortable and go and create something amazing.
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